lunedì 10 settembre 2007

Circo Massimo. Incontro di strumenti musicali

Micky, Luca and me with one group from Napoli...add it later

sabato 8 settembre 2007

Citta' del Pieve con due professioniste - CLICK it for another page

i'll add it later...a wedding planer " Mickys' Route on Summer Time ".

martedì 4 settembre 2007

Tutto Io...All me

Summer time on the beach in Rome was an incredible time, nice and relaxing with my spirit and enjoy the silence inside me. There's a guy who I was thinking every moment since we've left to each other. Life made people suffer and happy, my every short trips gave me many memories in good and bad side, everything depence on my mood.
Some pictures took from Bangkok, it was pretty hot there and many thing surprised me. The discontec on the beach in Rome, nice motor trip with friends with the beautiful sunset.

Traveling to Milan by myself with EuroStar, first time in my life.

Micky & Sabung

Il mare era bellissimo, il tempo d'estate era come il cuore giovane e vivace. Abbiamo corso per andare al mare tutti giorni sotto il sole, era cosi' bello di una bella, vera vacanza. I love living in Rome not only because the city, it's about the people there. Everyone, every friends had their own interesting stories. Everyone loved to talk and chat, express their thoughts, it might because the Italian language which wither their every word. be continued.

Avviso: Qesta immagine anche include le foto che abbiamo fatto in Bangkok. La vita si sfiore con l'amicizia e la nostra fiducia in se stesse... Quanto e' bello avere una bella, vera amicizia nella vita. Una memoria non sara' mai dimenticata, le storie sono tante ma quella piu' bella e' la nostra forza per essere una donna indipendente e dolce nello stesso tempo, arrabbiamoci anche quando ha bisogno. L'ultima cosa, devo andare in bagno a fare pipi' ora.... to be continued.